Sunday, April 10, 2011

Solution? Gold, damnit.


We hear a few things, see a thing or two more; pump prices go up, so does the debt, and all the while we can't seem to make up our minds which of our unsustainable futures to continue funding.

I think we're in trouble.

Things started to get fishy when going to college became a racket, delaying our entry into a world that prizes igenuity over credentials anyway.  It's funny to joke about how you could just buy your son or daughter a new BMW every year instead until you realize that it's true, and that come senior year, NYU will be arriving at a mailbox near you, too.

Now the rest of the world owns our debt, yet somehow the dollar is still the world's reserve currency (thank goodness we're the only ones who can print more!).  


If there's no problem here, then I think I need to reevaluate my definition of the term. 

Maybe we need to bring it back to the basics for people.


We tried an experiment over here at mahalo and I'd love to see what you think.  Boring?  Informative?  Remember, it's also free.

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