Sunday, March 27, 2011

extremist filmmaking, or... what, exactly?


OK, so let's talk Sucker Punch for a minute here folks. 

Rotten Tomatoes: 20%

Metacritic: 35/100

And audience approval is hanging around the mid 60s.  

But let's get real for a minute; well over half of the things people complain about are related to the film's plot and dialogue.  Uh, did you see the trailer?  

Let me provide some perspective.  Snyder has managed to make a film of cliches that breaks every convention; a film that stars hot babes fighting dragons, yet still manages to keep it PG-13; a film that can relentlessly comment on how bad it is while still managing to create scenes that intrigue you.  My favorite one-liner review:

"Looks a lot like either a very stupid person has tried to make a very clever film, or a very clever person has tried to make a very stupid one."

I made my sentiments clear about Watchmen, which maybe makes me a bit biased, but I think you get what you sign up for.  If film is supposed to be the ultimate metaphor, then this one takes the cake, but don't expect a film called "Sucker Punch" to be the one that sparks your inner genius.  Otherwise, I have an idea of what Zack Snyder might call you. 

Sit back, unplug and enjoy.  It's supposed to be stupid, silly.


It's all good at work.  Education is on the front page!

Got great feedback on the video below, and am really proud of the work we've been doing.  If you haven't hit up the facebook page, check it out and throw me a like so I can access the features that will allow me to make it into something useful!

338 Subscribers!!  Are you one of them?  We're about to do a massive SAT prep series, so if you know someone in need, keep an eye out for those coming in the next few weeks.

Thank goodness it's finally Spring.  They tell you it's all sunshine in LA, but they're lying.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Building Things With Your Hands

I'll staunchly come out in support of it - there is no better way of going about things.  I look for the excuse to construct daily objects into pyramids, contort a set into a playground, or arrange the rocks at my desk (yes, I said rocks) into something more engaging than the metal beneath them. 

So I'm building a computer.  It seems like the canvas of our time and I feel like it's time well spent. 

I would highly suggest it to anyone in the market for a new machine, especially now with all these wonderful blogs and guides out there.  If you're dying for a mac but can't afford one, I can't legally endrose anything, but when a grand buys you what 6 or 7 does from the store, it's hard to argue with results.

Life is a bit more satisfying when you're involved in it; maybe that's the secret.  Plus, when you really put your mind to things, cool things generally happen.

Create something this week. 


Speaking of building, I'm looking forward to building a stand to hold our new "magic glass" at Mahalo.  People still think our hosts are specially trained in writing backwards.  Which they are, of course..

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Do you think they'll pay attention if their name is in the title?

1. 2. 3.

Here is a good resource for a quick overview of the sish'.

I wonder if people recognize that this is like Time Warner reodering their channels (or maybe better - netflix changing how it finds the movies you like), but in a much more significnt way because it spans a mass of digital content that's slowly beginning to elcipse all other sources of information in our lives. 

I'm like anyone - the less spam I have to sort through in my search results the better, but the implications behind such a move are giant.  Enormous.

Say what's up to capitalism for giving control to the few; say thanks for the internet as a way in for the rest of us.  But the internet has to remain ours, where the hackers and programmers who invent and dissect are better than those paid to stop them, or else I think we fail as a collective.  I think it's a sign of the times when WikiLeaks can lead a revolution from behind the curtain; when Charlie Sheen can break a world record that didn't exist 6 years ago; when the internet can be awarded a nobel prize for actually changing peoples lives (here's looking at you, Egypt).  But we can't loose sight of the importance of this phenomenon or they will take it from us, just by changing some code.


Almost 200 Subscribers for Mahalo Math!!  Props to usesefulness.  I'm glad to be contributing in a positive way to the growth of the internet.