Sunday, May 1, 2011

Born today? Immortal tomorrow.


Why is no one talking about this?

I was thinking, having just recently built my own computer, that if someone 1000 years from now were to take a slice of my life (in this instance, my room specifically) and put it on display in a history museum, the single most important thing in the room would be the little black box full of wires:  

"And that's how they progressed into the future Sally, when the net was something you had to access remotely and pay for.  That primitive human built his computer by hand!"

I personally hope Sally would be more impressed by the colorful clothing hanging in the corner, or the hats I have on the wall, or maybe even the books, movies and scripts that litter the tables and floor, but I know better.  Shoot, those last three have evaporated into "the cloud" already anyway.

Machines are, by their very design, built to outlast, out-process and out-perform us.  Think about it: every machine that is built today is the sum of everything that has come before it, not only in design but in intelligence, which is something I'm not sure we can say for ourselves.  Plus, at the current rate of technological development, we're likely to see machines doing more for us than we could ever dream a lot sooner than we think. 

I'm now running a four-core, 3.1GHz processor, which is effectively like running at 12.4GHz (at least that's what I'll assume until someone corrects me) - and this comp is top of the line.  The future?  Diamond processors that can run one core at 81GHz.  

Not plausible until you realize all the industry is doing is waiting for this company to go public.

People my age were born on the cusp, when privacy was still a reasonable (dare I say rational?) dream, but ours were the first cookies to be tracked.  Born today?  I feel sorry for you.  From the minute you log in they have you, but hey, at least everybody's doing it.  

I like that people are still surprised when things like this happen.

The web is a lot like another planet; the ultimate escape for a new generation of distressed youngsters.  I still feel relatively safe because I can remember a time before torrents and chat rooms, but what about the kids that can't?  I think we're yet to see the true nature of this beast.


If someone has an awesome idea for a math-related design, I'd love to put it into action here.  The page is in need of some help, big-time. 

Happy Spring! 




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