Sunday, June 5, 2011

Seq-Preq-Prolouge: Another Studio Summer


Yep, so it's like X-Men, but younger. I mean everyone has had a second hangover, or even a third (oh, but the possibilities are endless!).Maybe the kids would like another superhero movie, another crowd-pleasing buffer - it's the perfect distraction. People are tired of "art films" anyway, and they never really make any money. Take Paramount Vantage as the prime example - whoever thought distributing 2007's best pictures would keep you afloat? Shoot, not this guy.

Or, maybe I really want to see Tree of Life, and because you won't wide-release it on a scale that matches Thor, I have to wait an eon to even catch a glimpse. Maybe I'm tired of watching you nepotists and soul-salesmen make money on old ideas and propoganda - don't you see the rest of us moving forward?

But I guess being critical is all we can really do - I mean it's not like there's a free and open platform for distributing content (hah, what a crazy dream!), that allows you build a specific and targeted audience that (given the quality of your content) will sustain you enought to live and continue to create. I mean it's not like that exists...

So I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the pre-made cake, because honestly who wants to go through the trouble of actually doing anything? I read comic books too - I know who Thor is! And when Avatar 2 hits the screens you can bet I'll be there with my 3D glasses already on (I saved them from Drive Angry).

Besides, isn't the world ending anyway?

But let's turn away from those heavy subjects and concentrate on something a little more fun. I always knew I was going to be able to say "I knew Mattie when," but I didn't expect her to get famous this fast! You'd be doing the world a disservace if you learned how to draw sandy cheeks from anyone else - and her makeup videos are pretty awesome too. Come back soon Mattie - we'll miss you!

Oh, and I forgot some of the coolest news - shout out to @matematicario for submitting the first response (all the way from Brazil - freakin' awesome:

And the original video for all you who think there's a different answer ;)



Monday, May 30, 2011

Welcome to the New Studio

It's unofficial, it's unreleased, but it's a start.  Check out the new home of Trifold Productions:


Don't worry, I don't plan on loosing too much of my life in this little cave... I hope.  This is going to be a fun summer.

Meanwhile, while you're getting funky, check this cool vid from the Mahalo Gamin Team:


Damn I'm ready to make movies.

Friday, May 27, 2011

You won't believe...

What these video gamers are up to at Mahalo!  Check out this cool vid:

And if you haven't seen the original, you (might) love it:

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello, Terrence


If I had one dream, it would be to win the Palm d'Or. To be included among the likes of Barton Fink, Apocalypse Now, and Elephant (just to name a few), is recognition that any true filmmaker would die for. With that said, hats off to Terrence Malick for winning with Tree of Life. I can't wait to see it.

My friend Maarouf went to the festival with a short he worked on... Freaking awesome!

Some shots were fired in my neighboorhood tonight - supposedly a rampage rapist on the loose. A helicopter was flying over the house for 4 hours... welcome to Hollywood.

I think there are some cool things going on at Mahalo these days, many of which I would love to be a part of:

We need to step up our game, and I'm on board to help.

Check out my creative dwindlings on this new blog, but be warned, it's probably going to get weird. 





Sunday, May 15, 2011

Future Predictions: Microsoft vs. Apple


OK, so with the tech wars at a head and everybody scrambling to get their hands in the new media distribution/advertizing game, I think it's fair to say that no one really knows quite what kind of pot they could be sitting on. That's a godsend for startup companies like Mahalo, who can use that ambiguity to raise their own sort of socio-political status as an actual company dedicated to acting in this new space, thereby attracting the attention and investment of an ever-growing pool of suitors.  

The internet IS the future of media and has been for nearly two decades; it's just taking some time for us to adjust to it. The unfortunate part for everyone else is that if you aren't on the train already, it moves at light speed and is very difficult to catch.  

Now I know all you apple lovers out there are going to hate this, but I think Microsoft is coming back in a big way.  After the release of an impressively stable operating system (Windows 7), a plethora of Bing-related advertisments and favorable reviews (especially in light of google's recent algorithm change), and not to mention they just bought skype, which if used in the right way, could serve as the future of telephones if they (here's looking at you, Bill) have the balls to release the Skype phone in the US, Microsoft is looking more like the reliable, forward-looking company that we all don't remember from the 90s.

Plus their CEO just keeps giving his money away, which puts him in pretty good favor with, well, most everybody. 

Don't get me wrong, apple innovation is at the heart of the tech revolution, but their penchant for over pricing and under powering is going to bite them in the ass hard in the next few years. Unless they can continue to create new and exciting products that every consumer must have, which is practically their only draw at the moment, then the company fails.

Another factor? I had the original iPod, and guess what, it had a firewire port. Wtf happened, apple?

Any way you look at it, I'd rather be looking into a Window than an Apple, cause at least if the glass is dirty I can clean it; how do you clean an apple?

This has implications that are broader reaching than the companies themselves, though there are no better figureheads than the aforementioned to hog all the spotlight and blame.  Oh, no wait, now google wants a piece

I've been mulling over all of this since building my own computer, which seems like a geeky thing to do until you realize the the computer is to this generation as the canvas was to 19th century Europe.  I can't create art without my machine, and as crippling as it may seem, that's the future we are faced with.  

However, and it's an important one, through my machine, my window, I have the audience of the world. If the content is inspiring and the will to create is constant and prolific, there is nothing stopping me from success.  Me, you, the next-door neighboor, the kid you've never met who has your eyes but lives in India; the opportunity to express yourself has NEVER been this open.  All you have to do is build a machine and let it become an extension of yourself and your work. 

Between PC and Mac, I guess the real point of the matter is that if you're a builder, there's no other (legal) choice. But I swear that's not why I switched sides. I mean shoot, I have an iPhone too.


I need your help!  Which is a better way to learn, #1 or #2?

Leave me a comment so I know which to keep doing.

Peace & Love.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Old news for some, cool news for others.

OK, so check this out.

You all know Tarentino, right? Well, have you also heard of the flick he penned that was directed by Tony Scott, True Romance? Supposedly, Scott had originally shot and cut the film the way that it was written, but then got cold feet over the 'answers first, questions later' style that Tarentino is famous for. He thus edited it chronologically, which some believe ruined the film. No other (legal) cut exists.

There's a discussion to be had here over who has the true authorship of a film, the writer or director, but we'll save that for another time (as a writer, I might be biased).

While researching for a project, I stumbled upon a torrent proclaiming to be the "Tarentino-Cut of True Romance".  This, of course, piqued my interest.  

As it turns out, the person who uploaded this new cut was also responsible for editing it.  It is then, a fan-cut version of the film, using the original screenplay as a guide.  The guy even went into the DVD extras and reinserted scenes that Tony Scott had taken out.  Talk about dedication.

I haven't seen it yet, but that's only because it has not finished downloading.  I'll tell you how it compares soon.

Again I have to praise the internet for allowing this kind of thing to happen.  If, as it proclaims to be, this is a comprehensive re-cut of the film, then power has clearly shifted into the hands of the people.  If you are unsatisfied with a film, fix it yourself!  Granted, you can't exactly change the way they shot it, but editing is just as crucial a component, if not more so.  The sky is the limit!

Though I imagine this guy will be hunted down by IP lawyers, I have to congratulate his passion and ingenuity.  These are the kinds of doors being opened to our generation.  

I'm excited, aren't you?


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Born today? Immortal tomorrow.


Why is no one talking about this?

I was thinking, having just recently built my own computer, that if someone 1000 years from now were to take a slice of my life (in this instance, my room specifically) and put it on display in a history museum, the single most important thing in the room would be the little black box full of wires:  

"And that's how they progressed into the future Sally, when the net was something you had to access remotely and pay for.  That primitive human built his computer by hand!"

I personally hope Sally would be more impressed by the colorful clothing hanging in the corner, or the hats I have on the wall, or maybe even the books, movies and scripts that litter the tables and floor, but I know better.  Shoot, those last three have evaporated into "the cloud" already anyway.

Machines are, by their very design, built to outlast, out-process and out-perform us.  Think about it: every machine that is built today is the sum of everything that has come before it, not only in design but in intelligence, which is something I'm not sure we can say for ourselves.  Plus, at the current rate of technological development, we're likely to see machines doing more for us than we could ever dream a lot sooner than we think. 

I'm now running a four-core, 3.1GHz processor, which is effectively like running at 12.4GHz (at least that's what I'll assume until someone corrects me) - and this comp is top of the line.  The future?  Diamond processors that can run one core at 81GHz.  

Not plausible until you realize all the industry is doing is waiting for this company to go public.

People my age were born on the cusp, when privacy was still a reasonable (dare I say rational?) dream, but ours were the first cookies to be tracked.  Born today?  I feel sorry for you.  From the minute you log in they have you, but hey, at least everybody's doing it.  

I like that people are still surprised when things like this happen.

The web is a lot like another planet; the ultimate escape for a new generation of distressed youngsters.  I still feel relatively safe because I can remember a time before torrents and chat rooms, but what about the kids that can't?  I think we're yet to see the true nature of this beast.


If someone has an awesome idea for a math-related design, I'd love to put it into action here.  The page is in need of some help, big-time. 

Happy Spring! 




Too Many Things...

Are wrong with L.A.  Like the roads and the traffic and the (what?) chance of an earthquake at any unpredictable second, but I gotta say, life's a little better with a puppy.

Paddington says hi.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Solution? Gold, damnit.


We hear a few things, see a thing or two more; pump prices go up, so does the debt, and all the while we can't seem to make up our minds which of our unsustainable futures to continue funding.

I think we're in trouble.

Things started to get fishy when going to college became a racket, delaying our entry into a world that prizes igenuity over credentials anyway.  It's funny to joke about how you could just buy your son or daughter a new BMW every year instead until you realize that it's true, and that come senior year, NYU will be arriving at a mailbox near you, too.

Now the rest of the world owns our debt, yet somehow the dollar is still the world's reserve currency (thank goodness we're the only ones who can print more!).  


If there's no problem here, then I think I need to reevaluate my definition of the term. 

Maybe we need to bring it back to the basics for people.


We tried an experiment over here at mahalo and I'd love to see what you think.  Boring?  Informative?  Remember, it's also free.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

"hey joe, what do you know?

I woke up this morning feeling a lot like Data, a little like Joe; maybe just as cynical as Bender.  What is the world coming to when the only characters I can sympathize with are the ones that aren't human?

Fun Fact:  Look up the search traffic for AI and you'll find that the mispelling "t ai" has more montly hits.  Whenever the machines do begin to reason, it won't be hard to see through our shit.

I think it has to do with their search for the meaning of humanity - that which makes us more than the sum of our parts - that draws people into the plight of the soulless.  Maybe it's because, though I can only speak for myslef, we've forgotten ourselves what it means.

As the world becomes saturated with tech and our lives are more and more indistinguishable without it, it seems like a valid concern.  

Ah, the things that keep me up at night... 

Maybe someone should write a movie about it.


Trying word problems for a change.  What do you think?

Like the facebook page while you're at it!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

extremist filmmaking, or... what, exactly?


OK, so let's talk Sucker Punch for a minute here folks. 

Rotten Tomatoes: 20%

Metacritic: 35/100

And audience approval is hanging around the mid 60s.  

But let's get real for a minute; well over half of the things people complain about are related to the film's plot and dialogue.  Uh, did you see the trailer?  

Let me provide some perspective.  Snyder has managed to make a film of cliches that breaks every convention; a film that stars hot babes fighting dragons, yet still manages to keep it PG-13; a film that can relentlessly comment on how bad it is while still managing to create scenes that intrigue you.  My favorite one-liner review:

"Looks a lot like either a very stupid person has tried to make a very clever film, or a very clever person has tried to make a very stupid one."

I made my sentiments clear about Watchmen, which maybe makes me a bit biased, but I think you get what you sign up for.  If film is supposed to be the ultimate metaphor, then this one takes the cake, but don't expect a film called "Sucker Punch" to be the one that sparks your inner genius.  Otherwise, I have an idea of what Zack Snyder might call you. 

Sit back, unplug and enjoy.  It's supposed to be stupid, silly.


It's all good at work.  Education is on the front page!

Got great feedback on the video below, and am really proud of the work we've been doing.  If you haven't hit up the facebook page, check it out and throw me a like so I can access the features that will allow me to make it into something useful!

338 Subscribers!!  Are you one of them?  We're about to do a massive SAT prep series, so if you know someone in need, keep an eye out for those coming in the next few weeks.

Thank goodness it's finally Spring.  They tell you it's all sunshine in LA, but they're lying.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Building Things With Your Hands

I'll staunchly come out in support of it - there is no better way of going about things.  I look for the excuse to construct daily objects into pyramids, contort a set into a playground, or arrange the rocks at my desk (yes, I said rocks) into something more engaging than the metal beneath them. 

So I'm building a computer.  It seems like the canvas of our time and I feel like it's time well spent. 

I would highly suggest it to anyone in the market for a new machine, especially now with all these wonderful blogs and guides out there.  If you're dying for a mac but can't afford one, I can't legally endrose anything, but when a grand buys you what 6 or 7 does from the store, it's hard to argue with results.

Life is a bit more satisfying when you're involved in it; maybe that's the secret.  Plus, when you really put your mind to things, cool things generally happen.

Create something this week. 


Speaking of building, I'm looking forward to building a stand to hold our new "magic glass" at Mahalo.  People still think our hosts are specially trained in writing backwards.  Which they are, of course..

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Do you think they'll pay attention if their name is in the title?

1. 2. 3.

Here is a good resource for a quick overview of the sish'.

I wonder if people recognize that this is like Time Warner reodering their channels (or maybe better - netflix changing how it finds the movies you like), but in a much more significnt way because it spans a mass of digital content that's slowly beginning to elcipse all other sources of information in our lives. 

I'm like anyone - the less spam I have to sort through in my search results the better, but the implications behind such a move are giant.  Enormous.

Say what's up to capitalism for giving control to the few; say thanks for the internet as a way in for the rest of us.  But the internet has to remain ours, where the hackers and programmers who invent and dissect are better than those paid to stop them, or else I think we fail as a collective.  I think it's a sign of the times when WikiLeaks can lead a revolution from behind the curtain; when Charlie Sheen can break a world record that didn't exist 6 years ago; when the internet can be awarded a nobel prize for actually changing peoples lives (here's looking at you, Egypt).  But we can't loose sight of the importance of this phenomenon or they will take it from us, just by changing some code.


Almost 200 Subscribers for Mahalo Math!!  Props to usesefulness.  I'm glad to be contributing in a positive way to the growth of the internet.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Links are like neural connections...

Say I make a video.  That video contains some bit of wisdom that you'd like to investigate further: a story, a test, a manipulation, an engagement; something that resonates with you that merits your attention.

At the end, or even at various points throughout the video, links pop into existence, directing you to the information you seek.  These are the pathways of the web.  To be linked is to be live.

It seems like advertizers are begining to notice too. 

The text database is there; the video is not.  We, however, as a re-recorded generation, are beginning to amass a database of intimately human knowledge and experience that, while not entirely universal yet, will eventually function as a much more unbiased and categorecal version of our own minds

Sounds like a blockbuster to me.

We are so concerned with artificial intelligence that we can't see the beast we're creating.

I, for one, think it will be benevolent.  Maybe it might even teach us something